Institution Innovation Council
Innovation Activities at IIITDM Kancheepuram is organized by the Institute Innovation Council. The Institute Innovation Council (IIC, setup in 2018) comprising student and faculty members organizes MIC- and self-driven events to create awareness, conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities, and to systematically foster the culture of innovation in IIITDM Kancheepuram.
The IIC website serves as a platform to engage in various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities within our institution. Its primary role is to create an environment that nurtures innovation and supports the development of start-ups. Some of the key functions of the IIC website are engaging the student body in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activities, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Project Handling and Management and etc.

Hold activities
To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities
Promote Innovation
Identify and reward innovations and share success stories
Organize workshops
Organize periodic workshops, seminars, interactions with entrepreneurs, investors and professionals
Build Network
Develop a network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations like EDII-TN, Startup India and etc.
Organize Hackathons
Organize Hackathons, Idea Competitions and Mini-Challenges with the involvement of industries